Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sewing Sorbetto

After seeing so many beautiful Sorbetto tops on the blogosphere, I've wanted to make my own version for some time now.

It's hard to believe that it was released as a free pattern a little over 1 year ago in May 2011 from the awesome Colette Patterns. There are so many inspirational Sorbetto versions out there (head over to my Sorbetto inspiration board on Pinterest to see what I mean) and it's hard to not be inspired by them - there's even a free sleeve pattern to vary it further! It's such a versatile pattern and can be tweaked to create many variations. It was also voted as #2 in Pattern Review's Best Patterns of 2011. In short, it's a winner!

I've been altering this pattern for a few weeks now and I think I'm pretty close with completing all the necessary adjustments. It's a simple silhouette but I wanted to focus on fabulous fit, so I've made 2 toiles and countless tweaks. I should have my first pattern adjustment post this weekend, so stay tuned!

P.S. Welcome to my new blog url. I've been shifting posts from my old blog to here and re-focusing the content. I hope you enjoy the ride!